Group Sales Training

Executed precisely, group sales can be the game changer between an average crowd and a sellout. Game Face Group Sales Training provides the tools and techniques to effectively approach group leaders and secure group sales that are most likely to become a renewal season after season.

Strength Comes in Selling to Big Numbers

The same concepts you would use to sell to individuals will apply to group sales, but some critical differences must be understood and applied. For one, whereas individuals are typically the purchaser and consumer, often with Group Sales the purchaser is different from the consumers. Furthermore, the purchaser is purchasing on behalf of an organization that has a completely different procurement process, budget, and set of objectives than individuals.

Game Face Group Sales Training will help you navigate the unique characteristics of a group sale and marries an intuitive approach with transformational techniques.

One vs. Many

Some salespeople prefer to sell to individuals instead of groups. Why?

  • Groups are slow to make a decision – Organizations require consensus from individual members. In fact, it is estimated that less than 2% of groups will agree to a proposed date, price and seat location on the first contact.
  • You may need to sell through others – To make your job as a salesperson harder, you’re usually presenting a group idea to at least two members of the prospective organization. If you are successful with the initial contacts, they must then take your message to the group as a whole, which means you are relying on others to do your selling for you.
  • Follow the leader – A group mentality dominates decision-making. If just one person doesn’t find what you’re selling appealing, the entire group sale may be at risk.
  • Competition is everywhere – Each member of the group has their own idea of an alternative to what you’re selling.
How To Sell To Groups And Businesses

Communicate the result of a group outing to each group leader – Your prospect may not even be clear on the outcome they are seeking. It is your job to educate. Make it relevant, and position your product as the ideal avenue to achieve that result. Organizations everywhere understand that to enjoy unity, their team must be taken out of the workplace to share an experience. Such outings do wonders for employee and volunteer morale, enabling communication, showing management as a colleague, and fostering collaboration.

Our Group Sales Training instructs staff in the best strategies for approaching group leaders of all stripes, how to apply customer-friendly selling techniques for large and small gatherings, how to remain in constant contact with prospects without burdening them, how to motivate organizations to match their original estimated numbers, and most important, how to secure group sales that are most likely to become a renewal season after season. Call Game Face today!


Tickets Sold By Game Face Founder in One Night to a Group in 1992


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“I have valued and benefitted from a relationship with Rob for over two decades. He and the Game Face team and their approach to group sales have been the foundation for how the Jags teach, train and measure our staff.”

-Chris Gargani
Vice President of Sales and Service, Jacksonville Jaguars


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