Outside Sales Rep Training

How to achieve significant value through best-practice outside sales rep training.

Outside Sales Rep Training Starts Here

The traveling salesperson conjures up images of the golden age of selling: a door-to-door salesman carrying product samples, or the sales rep visiting one office after another dropping off business cards, or a housewife showing the benefits of plastic food containers to her neighbors while the kids play in the yard.

Times have changed. In today’s world, technology may have shifted how products are presented to a new generation of customers, but this doesn’t mean outside sales reps are becoming irrelevant. It just means they need to adapt.

Challenges Facing Today’s Sales Teams
Online Resources

Technology has altered not only how sales staff operate, but how customers shop, especially with AI. The outside sales representative is no longer the sole source of information about your company or product, as now the internet can provide data such as product descriptions and specs, reviews (good and bad) from those interacting with your product or service, and information about your competition. If the internet can do it quickly and cheaply, what’s the advantage of hiring a client-facing representative?

Your Sales Strategy

Most companies elect to have either an inside or an outside sales strategy. More predictable and controllable, inside sales is an effective way to promote and sell a product. Inside reps, aided by ever-improving technologies, use a combination of social media, email marketing, and the phone to contact and sell prospects.


An outside sales staff is expensive to cultivate and maintain. They must be reimbursed for travel, lodging, food, and entertainment. Their appearance—dress, vehicle, style—must constantly be monitored. Travel time also cuts down on the number of touches a rep can make in a day. And, due to the likely experience level of outside sales reps, their commissions and salaries tend to be higher than the inside sales staff.

Get More From Outside Sales With Game Face Training
Inside and Outside Working Together

Inside sales, done properly, can be great for prospecting and getting the customer moving into the sales pipeline. But if your product or service is complex, requires input from multiple subject matter experts from the client organization, is considered a big ticket item, or necessitates a long-term contract, you will need a trained field staff to meet with C-level executives. They also will need to serve as the face of your organization, build and maintain multi-layered relationships, and provide the firm handshake and intelligent eye necessary to close the deal. Field sales professionals have the advantage of seeing the many facets of your customers’ operations and how your other products or services can become their solutions.

Get The Most Out of Physical and Practical Demonstrations

Zooms meetings can only go so far. While it may be easier to deliver information such as specs, videos, and customer testimonials over the internet, certain products need to be shown and demonstrated. Whether it’s a medical professional looking at your new device, a facilities manager inspecting your upgraded equipment, or a sell-side agent checking out your home, seeing is believing when it’s done in-person.

Gain Presence at Tradeshows and Conferences

Outside sales isn’t done solely at your customers’ offices. Trade shows, conferences, and other industry events are prime ways to get products and services in the public view. It requires a sales staff that is trained to be assertive without being overbearing. They must know how to confidently and swiftly demonstrate what they offer and answer sometimes very technical and direct questions from potential customers—while the competition lurks just around the corner.

Adapt to the Sales Environment of Today

The field sales rep can no longer be a passive order taker. They have to explain, navigate, and be informed about their subject matter because their prospects are likely already informed before the meeting even begins. Game Face teaches a style that puts all parties at ease while helping the sales executive remain in control. Outside sales isn’t about pitching in person, it’s about leading along the path to a sale.

Client Success

Preparing for a series of trade shows in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America, CIT Electronics called on Game Face to train their global sales team in the most effective ways to engage show attendees quickly despite language and cultural differences. They wanted to introduce their startup company at shows they had never attended. From booth design and appearance to staff wardrobe to collateral and visual materials, Game Face orchestrated a strategy that would yield hundreds of new leads at each show. The sales team was then instructed on how to follow up professionally and appropriately with each prospect, depending on their geographic location and preferences. The result was dozens of new customers and orders—not to mention a more confident and independent sales staff.

“Rob is the most sincere individual I’ve ever met. As a trainer of outside sales, Rob has introduced me to resources and ideas I never would’ve discovered on my own. He is also an excellent listener and teacher who never shies away from accurately and honestly addressing my concerns. Most importantly, however, as my sales coach, Rob is a friend whose advice I trust.”

Kerby Louis
Entrepreneur and Inventor


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