Sales Call Refreshers

Increase sales funnel conversion rates by ensuring that your sales team has the sales enablement training needed to maximize every sales call interaction at every stage of the sales cycle.

Winning sales teams can’t afford to have an ineffective interaction with a prospect or customer. Because sales leadership doesn’t always have the bandwidth to provide daily coaching for every sales rep and every customer interaction, Sales Call Refreshers are the ultimate sales enablement training tool!

These critical 5-7 minute guides enable every sales professional on your team to effectively prepare for each step in the sales process and ensure progress toward a sale or renewal. Intended as a supplement to Sales Principles & Skills courses.

Access Sales Call Refreshers Through Your Full Access Subscription

Reminder reels that highlight key sales points to lift confidence before every step in the sales process


You might only have one chance to approach that would-be client. So before placing that call, sending that email or instant message, get prepped by reviewing Prospecting.


Don’t waste their time with irrelevant and trivial questions. Display your emotional and business intelligence with smart Assessing.


“Pitching” is boilerplate presenting. No one wants that! Professionally deliver your best solution by reviewing what to prepare, then knowing how to say it in Presenting.


Before sending a fancy deck or slick document, make sure you know what to include and the Proposal messaging that inspires a yes.


If you’re expecting any kind of objection, Concerns distinguishes you with the approach and responses buyers welcome.


You’ve worked so hard to get your prospect this far, and now it’s time to Follow-Up. Or is it? Don’t throw it all away with cheesy follow-up techniques that sell you short.

Opening (Closing)

Are you “asking for the sale”, or facilitating results? Opening gives you the straightforward when, what, and how of getting the order.


Whether talking to a long-term, new, or future customer, the how-to’s of Referrals empower you to obtain new leads naturally and easily.


The sale may have been won, but it’s not done. Review Postsale before moving on to your next call.


The deadline or Renewal date is approaching. Have you done all that’s necessary to ensure the “second sale”?

“Game Face training was the best training my team has ever participated in. Since the training, our scripts, call guides and discovery questions have improved dramatically, and we are seeing better results from our interactions with prospects and clients. I really appreciated the course design and quality of the delivery—it is not your typical sales training!“

-Lee McNeil
Former Senior Manager, Business Development, Crucial Learning


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