“First Day” Sales Training

The salesperson course for new hires. Must-Do’s before making your first sales call.

SALES COURSES | “First Day” Sales Training

For those just hired or who missed live training sessions, this new hire salesperson course provides an invaluable walk-through for calls that must be made today. It serves as provisional training until the learner is able to engage with Sales Courses #1, #2, and #3.

Course Duration: 3 hours

Recommended Schedule:

  • Ideal first-day-on-the-job activity as part of onboarding (3 hours)


Course consists of condensed content from Course #1 – What is Sales?, Course #2 – Three Universal Principles of Selling, and Course #3 – 7 Skills to a Successful Sale.


Often new employees are hired during periods where sales leadership/sales management has very little capacity to train new employees. This course is an important, readily-accessible resource for sales leadership/sales management to provide critical new employee training without using up valuable sales leadership time and focus.


A new sales employee who can effectively initiate a customer call and productively contribute to the team Day #1 without expending the valuable time and resources of others.

“Game Face training has been vitally important to my skill development and confidence in sales. The content is fantastic as well as engaging. The training methodology goes through 7 modules of the sales cycle covering details such as word choice and phrase mechanics for effective scripts that are natural. A senior rep once told me, ‘You don’t even realize what you just sat through. I’ve been in a lot of sales trainings, but that was gold!’ This training will enhance the skills and abilities of any sales rep by quantum leaps.”

-Hunter Goodall
Mergers and Acquisitions Associate, Property Management, Inc


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